Friday 17 January 2020

What is the Difference Between Ninja Sword and Samurai Sword?

Swords have been the most used warfare weapons. Before the advancement in technology brought nuclear weapons, swords were the main fighting weapons during wars. 

The greatest warriors across the world used swords to fight their enemies. Ninja and samurai are one of the all-time great warriors from feudal Japan. 

Ninja sword was the primary fighting weapon for the ninja while the samurai sword was the primary fighting weapon for the samurai. 

Many people seek an answer to the difference between the ninja sword and a samurai sword. The confusion is caused by the katana sword which is the sword used by both these warriors. So, let’s compare these two swords to figure out their differences. 

What is a Ninja Sword?

Ninja sword is basically a ninja katana. The ninja katana was their main fighting weapon during wars. It was a massive sword with a long and thick blade. 

Ninja warriors used plenty of weapons during wars, but their real weapon was this sword. They relied on this sword while battling their enemies. 

What is a Samurai Sword?

Samurai sword is the samurai katana sword. It is also a large sized sword with a thick and long blade. However, the main feature of this sword is that it features a slight curve at the bottom. 

Samurai were extremely proud of their swords. They always stayed equipped with this sword. Their sword is still believed to be the most powerful sword even today. It was their main fighting weapon during wars. 

So, What’s the Difference?

The main difference between a ninja sword and a samurai sword was the shape and design of the blade. The blade of a ninja katana was dead straight. It did not have any curve. 

On the other hand, samurai katana had a blade that was curved at the bottom. However, this was not a massive curve, just a small curve. 

So, this is the main difference between a ninja sword and a samurai sword. Otherwise, both these swords were pretty similar. 

Both swords were long and thick. The curve on the blade made them different. Also, the ninja katana was a low budget sword and was not as powerful as a samurai katana. 

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