Friday 1 November 2019

3 Ninja Weapons That Will Blow Your Mind

Ninjas are still believed to be one of the best warriors of all time. These skillful warriors used a few spectacular weapons that are still popular around the world. 

Even today, these weapons have not become old-fashioned, rather they are being used by different sorts of users. 

In this article, we have come up with three best ninja weapons that will blow your mind. Here is our list:

1. Ninja Katana Sword

There are two katana swords basically, one is Samurai katana and the other is ninja katana. Samurai katana sword had a curved blade. 

It was thick and there was just a slight curve at the bottom of the blade. On the other hand, ninja katana sword has a straight blade, there is no curve. 

Otherwise, the two swords are very similar. 

There is a thick and long blade, but very straight. Ninja sword is one of the most popular ninja weapons today, and cosplayer and enthusiasts love it!

2. Shuriken

Shuriken is also known as ninja star at times. It is used as a cosplay item, self-defense weapon and throwing sport today. 

However, ninjas did not use it that way. Rather, they used it as a fighting and tactical weapon. 

They used it for maiming and distracting their enemies. It is shaped like a star with a few edges on it. 

These edges were like deadly blades and could cause severe injuries to their enemies. 

However, today, it is a popular cosplay weapon used by the role players who express themselves as ninjas on stage. 

Moreover, it is used for playing throwing game! 

3. Kunai

Kunai is another ninja weapon that is used for sporting purposes today. It is used for playing knife throwing game. 

However, ninjas used it for warfare. They used it as a kunai throwing knife to injure their attackers during wars. 

So, these are some mind-blowing ninja weapons available in the market today!

Read Also: Practical Uses of a Sword Cane